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时间:2024-09-13   访问量:

动态层流灭菌干燥一体机 拷贝.jpg

产品简介Product Introduction


The dynamic laminar flow sterilization and drying integrated machine is an innovative drying equipment specifically designed for traditional Chinese medicine extracts. It has the characteristics of simple operation, good temperature uniformity, high drying efficiency, and low energy consumption. Especially suitable for drying traditional Chinese medicine extracts of various varieties, small and medium-sized batches, with a drying temperature of 50℃ to 90℃.

产品优势Product Advantages


Solve the bottleneck of traditional Chinese medicine extract drying efficiency, with high drying efficiency. Compared to traditional equipment, vacuum explosion drying technology improves efficiency by more than 200%;


Solve the compliance issue between the actual production and drying process of traditional Chinese medicine extracts, ensure stable equipment production process and controllable process; The drying mechanism clearly meets regulatory requirements;


Solve the problem of bacterial contamination in the drying equipment of traditional Chinese medicine extracts, and have the function of circulating steam sterilization;


Solve the drying difficulties of traditional Chinese medicine extracts, small and medium-sized batches, and multiple varieties, making actual production more flexible;

解决中药制药设备能耗高的问题,此设备药品生产成本:1.06~1.49元/kg 相比传统设备降低50%以上。

Solve the problem of high energy consumption in traditional Chinese medicine pharmaceutical equipment, the production cost of this equipment is 1.06-1.49 yuan/kg, which is reduced by more than 50% compared to traditional equipment.



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